File: {{ }} ({{ imageToBeConverted.size }} bytes)
{{ key }} | {{ value }} |
No metadata found. |
File: {{ }} ({{ cleanedImage.file.size }} bytes)
{{ key }} | {{ value }} |
No metadata found. |
Use this tool from any device with a browser—no installation needed.
All metadata removal happens in your browser, keeping your images private.
Works with JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, and more.
Remove metadata in seconds with an easy-to-use interface.
Strip personal details like location and camera info from your photos.
See the original metadata and confirm it’s gone after cleaning.
Pictures taken by digital cameras contain a wealth of information including the date, time, and camera used. Modern devices—even smartphones—often embed GPS coordinates that can reveal your exact location (for example, your home address). This is a privacy hazard as it could inadvertently expose your location to the world.
Using this tool, you can view and remove EXIF data from your pictures online without downloading any additional programs. If GPS data is present, you can even see it on a map.
The tool first extracts the EXIF metadata from your uploaded image using a modern library. Then, it re-encodes the image via a canvas element to remove any metadata. Finally, it extracts the (now cleaned) metadata from the resulting image.
You can either upload a picture or paste a picture URL (the picture must be public). If the image is hosted on a site that requires authentication (like some social networks), download it first and then upload it here. Note that the image size limit is 20MB and we do not store any copy of the image.
EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) data is embedded in digital photos and provides valuable information about how and when an image was taken. This includes technical details such as the camera’s brand, model, settings (aperture, shutter speed, ISO), and even the date and time the photo was captured.
Additionally, if the camera or device supports it, GPS coordinates can be embedded in the image. This geolocation data is useful for organizing and archiving photos, but it can also compromise your privacy by revealing your exact location.
Removing EXIF data can help protect your privacy and, in some cases, reduce the file size of your image.